الأربعاء، 9 نوفمبر 2011

حزمة متكاملة من الدروس والأدوات والبرامج الخاصة بلغة الأسيمبلي والهندسة العكسية

اخواني الأعزاء اليكم هذه الاسطوانة الفريدة والشاملة لكل الأدوات والدروس الخاصة بلغة التجميع ( الأسيمبلي) والتي لا يستغني عنها اي مبرمج عكسي .

حجم الأسطوانة حوالي 2.6 قيقا والدروس والكتب بالانجليزي واضحة ومبسطة

اما عربيا فقد اصدر العرب المتحدون للهندسة العكسية AORE اسطوانتين :

سلسلة دروس الهندسة العكسية للمبتدئين

سلسلة دروس الفك اليدوي

وايضا اصدر الفريق العربي للهندسة العكسية AT4RE كتابين في هذا المجال :

الكتاب الاول مدخل الي الهندسة العكسية ................ الكتاب الثاني الهندسة العكسية خطوة للامام

يظن البعض ان مصطح الهندسة العكسية هو كسر البرامج واختراقها وعمل كيجن فقط لكنهم مخطئين
ان الهندسة العكسية علم يعتمد عليه في تحليل البرمجيات ومعرفة نقاط الضعف فيها ومعالجة الثغرات الامنية وكذلك
عسكريا يستفاد منه في تقليد صناعة الاسحة وهذا ما اعتمدته الصين في عمل هندسة عكسية لاي شيء ثم تطويره وانتاج منتج اخر اقوي من الاصلي .
باختصار :
ما هي الهندسة العكسية؟

الهندسة العكسية: هي عملية اكتشاف المبدأ التكنولوجي لاداة او نظام من خلال تحليل هيكله او وظيفته او طريقة عمله. وغالبا ما يشمل
أخذ شيء (جهاز ميكانيكي, آلية جهاز الكتروني او عنصربرنامج حاسوبي) وتفكيكه الى قطع وتحليل طريقة عمله بالتفصيل بغية انشاء جهاز جديد او برنامج جديد يقوم بنفس العمل من دون نسخ الاصل.
الهندسة العكسية هي في الاساس علم وتستخدم الاسلوب العلمي. علوم مثل علم الاحياء و الفيزياء يمكن اعتبارها
هندسة عكسية للآلات البيولوجية او آلات العالم المادي. في علوم الحاسوب, الهندسة العكسية تعتبر حقل علمي ثانوي لان علم الحاسوب يعتبر علم بناء اي هندسة امامية او الى الامام.
في بعض البلدان, لو كان المنتج او طريقة صنع المنتج محمي باعتباره سراً تجارياً, فأن اجراء الهندسة العكسية عليه
هي عملية قانونية طالما تم الحصول عليه/عليها بطريقة شرعية. براءات الاختراع من الناحية الاخرى, تتطلب الكشف عن الاختراع حتى يتم تسجيلها, لذلك ليس هنالك اي ضرورة لاجراء هندسة عكسية على اختراع من اجل دراستها.
هنالك دافع واحد مشترك لاجراء الهندسية العكسية وهو لتحديد ما اذا كان المنتج المنافس يتضمن انتهاكات لحقوق الطبع او انتهاكات لحقوق النشر.
فالهندسة العكسية قسمان : 1/ هندسة عكسية للبرمجيات 2/ هندسة عكسية للهاردوير

ان الكلام عن الهندسة العكسية لا يسعه المجال هنا لكن يمكنك متابعة الروابط علي موسوعة ويكي بيديا للاطلاع علي المزيد :

هندسة عكسية ويكي

لغة التجميع


فالى الاسطوانة :

Assembly Programming Package 2010 2.58 GB.zip‏

Iso CD (2.58 GB ) + E-books & Video Tuts




ملف التورنت Torrent file


if you want to start coding win32 masm assembly then this is the package for you.
It has everything you need to get started.

* masm32 basic environment package
* latest macro assembler binaries
* notepad plus plus code editor
* windows sdk 7.1 (new format)
* win32 help files (old format)
* directx sdk 8.1
* directx sdk june 2010
* basic principles tutorials
* iczelions win32 assembly tutorials
* video tutorials
* sample programs & games
* many ebooks included
* aritech ascii table
* dependency walker 2.2
* everything
* header2inc converter
* openedfilesview 1.46
* texttobinaryhex converter
* masm help files
* xvi32 hex editor
* resource editor
* ollydbg 2.00.01
* speedcrunch 0.10.1 calculator
* texas instrument ti89 calculator
* top coding font included
* high quality coding audio
* masmed
* resource editor
* dependency walker v2.2
* openedfilesview v1.46
* latest binaries
* basic principles
* masm 8.0 (use v10, dont use this, added it just for fun)
* win32 help files
* windows sdk v7.0
* directx sdk feb 2010
* microsoft calculator plus
* neo hex editor
* aritech ascii table
* texttobinary/hex converter
* sample games & programs added w/ source code
* masm related help files added for easy access
* many ebooks have been added
* iczelions win32 assembly tutorials
* video tutorials

as the binaries in the masm32 package is outdated, ive been so kind to collect and include the very latest binaries from microsoft visual studio 2010 ultimate.

Because you have the latest assembler, linker, program maintenance utility, resource compiler, pe dumper etc you have access to all the latest sse instruction set to use in your programs.

All sorts of coding editors have been tested, my final conclusion is that notepad++ is the best free code editor you can possibly get. Learn its features.

Windows sdk 7.1 have been added and is a must for those who are programming the 32 bit windows platform. Use it for reference to all api calls.

As you can see all the old win32 help files are included. It is in the old format and is highly outdated so use it with caution. You should always use the latest windows sdk.

The latest directx sdk from june of 2010 is also included. This is useful for those who are coding directx applications.

The old directx 8.1 is also included because i know there are alot of assembly programmers who code directx 8 applications.

The basic principles folder is a collection of tutorialized text files that i have written myself. They explain the basics of assembly and windows related topics. It will surely kickstart newcomers.

You can find the iczelions win32 assembly tutorials in this package, it is an extraordinarily valuable addition, be sure to check it out.

The video tutorial folder contains many videos about assembly, debugging and assembly related topics.

Sample programs and games is a small collection of classic games like boulder dash, pacman and spacetris. It also have an editor called the gun. All programs come with full assembly source code.

In the ebooks collection you will find much of what you need; optimization manuals. Assembly introduction, trigonometry, masm reference, windows programming, binary arithmetic and the list goes on.

Aritech ascii table is a small windows program that will let you fetch ascii symbols and its binary and hexadecimal representation.

Dependency walker is a program that will check what dll dependencies a program have. It is very useful if you need to check what dll the program is dependent on.

Everything is a very good, small and fast file search program that can easily replace windows search. Use this excellent tool to find files and folders on your computer.

Header to inc converter converts c++ headers to assembly include files, it is a third party program and is rumored to be better than microsoft own version.

Opened files view is a program to check what file handles has been opened by what program. You can close handles if you so desire. It is a useful tool.

Text to binaryhex converter converts ascii text to binary or hexadecimal numbers. It can be useful in some situations.

Masm help files is really just a duplicate of the same help files you find in your masm32 environment package. I have extracted them for easy access only.

Xvi32 hex editor is a small and feature rich hex editor with script support. Ive tried many hex editors, this may not be the best but it is easy to use.

Resource editor is a, resource editor. Ive tried at least ten resource editors the recent year and this one is my recommendation for you all.

Ollydbg is the latest stable debugger release. You need this to debug your assembly programs. Learn its features, it is a very powerful debugger.

Speedcrunch is a third party calculator. I highly recommend it for its list of features and its backlogging capability. It will remember your past calculations so that you can review them.

Texas instrument ti89 is an emulator of the real ti89 calculator. It looks the same, it works the same and you can perform alot of complex math on it. Trigonometry is one of its special fields.

Inconsolata coding font by raph levien is included in this package. It has been tested and said to be the best coding font available. Be sure to install this before you launch notepad++.

There is even a collection of high quality audio in this torrent. This audio is not like any other audio, it has been designed by professionals and its purpose is for brain optimizing frequencies.

These sounds will help you learn faster, greater ability to focus and will greatly help you when you are coding assembly. It is best used with stereo headphones.

Changes since last edition:

Change 1:

A few of the text files in the basic principle folder had a few grammer mistakes that have been corrected.

Change 2:

More links have been added to the urls to visit.txt text file.

Change 3:

I have made an install batch script for automatically replacing and installing the latest binaries and include files to their proper folders.

Change 4:

Microsoft macro assembler 8.0 has been removed, it is outdated and not needed anymore.

Change 5:

I have made a new text file called masm pseudo opcodes conditional assembly, it is located in the basic principles folder.

Change 6:

Another new textfile that i have made called how to assemble your source file, it is also located in the basic principles folder.

Change 7:

And yet another new textfile called how to compile your resource files and include them into the executable. It can be found in the basic principles folder.

Change 8:

Ofcourse, another new textfile called what is sse, it can be found in the same folder.

Change 9:

Added everything search program for searching files and folders instantly. It supports a wide variety of wildcards.

Change 10:

The last change is the addition of audio books which is very suitable for assembly programmers.

Final notes:

This assembly torrent is now as i want it to be. I will not be changing it in a while now, at least not until i find more lacks, mistakes or if microsoft release new binaries that should be included in a future release.

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